Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My New Entry ... Lamp (Instead of Lamb)

It has been quite busy for me recently since I have to move
into a new house plus change to a new job, all my work about
art are stop for some time and luckily I can continue again~

It is my another entry to moly_x_57 and the theme are all about
food. This time I choose Roasted Crown Rack of Lamb as
the topic as it looks juicy to me always in winter time~

Getting familiar with this line drawing plus watercolor style and
I love this drawing this time too ... but I just found a BIG typo
mistake after mail it out ... how come?!!

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...

Hahaha...think of it this way. That mistake is sure to make this Moleskine worth lots and lots of money in the future! And besides, who doesn't like a rack of lamp?